Why Write?

Twelve Reasons to Write by Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg

Writing helps you discover who you are.

Explore what you love or hate, what hurts you, what you need, what you can give, and what you want out of life.

Writing can help you believe in yourself and raises your self-esteem. Making something out of nothing produces a feeling of pride and a sense of accomplishment.

When you write, you hear your own unique voice.

A writer is someone who has found a way to say what they need to say. (revised)

Writing shows you what you can give the world.

Delve deeper into yourself and put into words what it is you want to be and do.

As you write, you seek answers to questions and find new questions to ask.

Writing gives you the opportunity to review choices and decisions and examine issues.

Writing enhances your creativity.

Writing immerses you in the creative process producing skills you can transfer to other areas.

You can share yourself with others through writing.

The written word allows for more freedom of expression than the spoken word.

Writing gives you a place to release anger, fear, sadness, and other painful feelings.

Writing helps you release your feelings, explore them, and begin to cope.

You can help heal yourself through writing.

Writing helps you convert what has hurt you into something that helps you.

Writing can bring you joy and a way to express it.

It’s fun to put into words what’s important and meaningful to you and read what you’ve written.

Writing can make you feel more alive.

Writing, like any art, is a way to connect with yourself, other people, and the world. You will become more involved, engaged, and interested in life.

You can discover your dreams through writing.

Discover what really calls to you (not what you or other people think your dreams should be).